Searcher Geodata UK Ltd (hereafter referred to as the applicant – Searcher) has recently undertaken a 3D seismic survey offshore of the west coast of South Africa as part of the reconnaissance permit 12/1/043. The survey commenced in January 2024 and ceased in April 2024. Due to the fact that a Reconnaissance Permit can only be valid for 1 year the 043 permit will expire on the 10 November 2024.

Searcher was not able to complete the intended survey during the 2023-2024 season, due to the viable acquisition windows and vessel availability. Searcher has consequently applied for a new Reconnaissance Permit over the same area. A new Environmental Authorisation will be required in order for Searcher to continue under a new Reconnaissance Permit.

This page provides the relevant documentation related to this application for Environmental Authorisation.

Project documentation:

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