The Minister of Environmental Affairs has gazetted her intention to appoint EAPASA as a registration authority in terms of section 24H(3)(a) of NEMA for a period of 5 years, in which time she will consider her options for the long term registration of EAPs. The Minister intends on limiting, in terms of Section 24H(6) of NEMA, the appointment of registration authorities to EAPASA as the only registration authority for a 5 year period. Members of the public are invited to submit to the Minister, within 30 days from the publication of the notice in the Gazette, written comments or objections, for the attention of Ms Hanlie Schoeman via email (HSchoeman@environment.gov.za), or via post or hand delivery as per details in the notice in the gazette.
Source: IAIA SA September E-brief: http://www.iaiasa.co.za/